Preventing and combating domestic violence


Activities in the field of domestic violence (DV):

  • organizing network meetings with our partners for exchange of experience and knowledge (opinion leaders, police, lawyer, healthcare sector, schools, church, NGOs, social department, child protection);
  • updating and printing informational materials (leaflets, posters) and elaborating a brochure for the victims of DV about forms of DV, rights, institutions where they can get help;
  • organizing round-table meetings and other events in order to sensitize about DV different organizations and institutions that have an active role in preventing and combating domestic violence;
  • conduct trainings for specialists from different fields (police officers, educational counsellors, teachers, specialists from health, judiciary, social departments, church), equipping them with skills to make victims of DV and their children safer;
  • conduct educational sessions in high schools and vocational schools to inform and raise awareness on all forms of violence;
  • training students to take action against DV and involving them in different prevention activities (street actions, developing posters, disseminating flyers etc.)
  • counselling victims of DV:

 - social counselling: assistance in accessing different services from the community and facilitating the approach to service providers and authorities. Emergency mobile telephone number of our centre for the victims of domestic violence: 0-24 hours- counselling in Romanian and Hungarian languages;

psychological support, vocational counselling, assisting in finding a job or shelter/apartment;

mediation to other institutions and organizations for further support (police, hospital etc.)

legal support for the victims of DV (getting a protection order and other legal assistance).